

The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort.” – Confucius


The Everyman focuses on the common man.

The common man works a regular job, looks for bargains, and shares common struggles. They don’t live lavishly, they are often but not exclusively the blue-collar worker, the everyday person, the average joe.

The Everyman desires to belong and focuses on relatability, both to their brand and with their products or services helping people relate to each other.

For this reason, they will often focus on connecting people, or making things accessible (often with price), and they will sometimes call their users members — even going as far as having a membership model.

If they do have a membership, it is never exclusive, but instead is to make people feel they are connected.

The Everyman says “We get you because we’re just like you, we’ll connect you with others and help solve common problems that everyone faces”

benu creative brand strategy brand archetype icons everyman
benu creative brand strategy brand archetype icons everyman


The Everyman focuses on the common man.

The common man works a regular job, looks for bargains, and shares common struggles. They don’t live lavishly, they are often but not exclusively the blue-collar worker, the everyday person, the average joe.

The Everyman desires to belong and focuses on relatability, both to their brand and with their products or services helping people relate to each other.

For this reason, they will often focus on connecting people, or making things accessible (often with price), and they will sometimes call their users members — even going as far as having a membership model.

If they do have a membership, it is never exclusive, but instead is to make people feel they are connected.

The Everyman says “We get you because we’re just like you, we’ll connect you with others and help solve common problems that everyone faces”

Core Belief

Everyman Goals

To gain a sense of belonging through relating to others.

Characteristic Traits

Tone Traits










Down to Earth











Target Audience

benu creative customer avatar

The Everyman is the common everyday member of society – the bargain shopper, the seeker of easy solutions to common problems, the neighbor, the friend.

They aren’t looking for answers to life’s deepest mysteries or trying to find complex solutions to achieve something big because they are too busy focusing on their small piece of the world.

The Everyman’s audience typically works a regular job, often blue-collar work, and goes home to spend time with the family or shares a beer with a friend after work.

They don’t want to stand out, they get fulfillment out of living life with simplicity and focusing on their corner of the world.

They don’t dream of being earth-movers or world-changers they are too focused on being a good member of their family and community.

The Everyman is drawn to a message of making things simple, easy, small, and helping them connect.

For example, Facebook is an Everyman, and while it is a product that helps one connect with the world, at the core their message is about making the world smaller so one can keep in touch with family and friends.

Create A Brand Personality Your Customers Will Love

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Does your brand personality stand out? Start your free Master Your Brand class and get this bonus Personality Guide with (tone traits) to ensure your brand is unforgettable.

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Popular Industries

Industry Types


Everyday Apparel


Home Goods


Home Improvement



